I would like to share my enthusiasm back then in collecting these Tomica toys. The models are based on actual ergonomics of famous brand names of vehicles before. These toys have become in demand in late 90's and early 2000.
I used to have at most ten of hundreds of collectible vehicle models including the ones shown below, a volkswagen, a truck and a bus which is my favorite and obviously most played.
You can actually open the doors of these models and let their wheels rotate.
Me posting this is actually making me nostalgic. Those were one of my happiest days when I was a kid.

Below is a picture of other types of vehicles that you can choose aside from cars above. I have not seen much of these today in toy stores since most of them are already more of electronic types.
I also used to have this Hot Wheels car. You need put this car on a black charger to let it run at high speed by itself. It can run a course of about 20-40 meters I think.