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  • Sara
    Sara replied to the thread How to maintain your toys?.
    I did some toy collections while growing up but today, I don't have one which I will call mine again. I gave them all to my babies...
  • Sara
    Sara replied to the thread Do you love Korean novelas?.
    I don't used to watch Korean movies back then but I fall in love with the recently, all thanks to my sister. These ones that I watched...
  • Sara
    It's very necessary to make your partner to be happy. I have a partner that I always go out of my way to ensure he's fine and also happy...
  • Sara
    I am looking for movies that are too scary for me to watch. Of all the horror movies that I have watched, I haven't been scared at all...
  • Sara
    Sara replied to the thread What makes you inspire?.
    My inspiration has been from inspired books or inspired words from scholars. I also have some few friends that always inspire me too, so...
  • Sara
    Sara replied to the thread Do you feel happy at this time?.
    I understand this feeling. I once had a fall out with my friend so months ago. We have been good and she started being gloomy, lashing...
  • Sara
    Sara replied to the thread How is your life going?.
    Everybody always want a good life. I'm happy that your life is in a good shape. The best thing that can happen to anybody is being alive...
  • Sara
    Sometimes, I will remember the memory and start feeling sober. The memories we shared together will be haunting me because i don't know...
  • Igba
    Igba replied to the thread I used to sleep with toy in my bed.
    I believe that this is something that is very common with most kids because all of us used to be very attached to the toys that we play...
  • Igba
    Igba replied to the thread Have you experience toy defects?.
    This is why it is very important for you to inspect whatever toy you're trying to buy before making payment because once you have paid...
  • Shiek
    Shiek replied to the thread How is your life going?.
    My life is going very well and I'm very happy with the job that I have because it is helping me to able to take care of my...
  • Shiek
    Losing friends is something that is always very common in life as long as you are still alive. This is because there are people you're...
  • Sara
    Sara replied to the thread Thor : Ragnarok PoPs !.
    Thor: Ragnarok was one of the movie that I have watched and it was fantastic. I will always go for Thor Ragnarok - Loki. I love his...
  • Sara
    Sara replied to the thread Favorite?.
    I love Harry Potter series and I have watched them very well. My favourite pop figure would be Dementor. I love everything about...
  • Sara
    I missed my siblings so much, I missed our laugh, talks and jokes. We are far apart from each other and the only way we always talk is...
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