Making one's partner laugh or smile, they say, is the secret ingedient that makes marriages last.
Modesty aside, I've been with my partner for life for almost 30 years now, and I cannot claim that it's the most ideal one; but, I make it a point to make our existence happy, or enjoyable.
There are actually many things that can make both of you laugh, but there are three tips that I can share:
First, Listen more and talk less when you are with your partner. And listen well, especially for daily anecdotes in the workplace and at home. Pause for a moment whenever she tells you about some funny or sad incidents and respond by asking questions, laughing, nodding , and the like.
Second, be rationale. Whenever there are things that need to be discussed or even debated about, then do it. Speak your thoughts, no matter what, but say it with some amount of restraint, by not being too violent or rude. We can express ourselves better by being kind, even if the words that come out are truthfully hurting.
Third, have a common vision, especially with regard to transcendentals, or those that go beyond the material aspects of things. Go to Mass together, attend concerts, visit museums, do some art works, etc.
These three will not just make our partners smile but fill them with a more meaningful, deeper, and joyfull existence.