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  1. Tony

    How many Gmail accounts do you have?

    I don't have much need when it comes to having so many Gmail account which is why I am only making use of two Gmail account right now. One of them is for my personal use and the other one is for my business purposes.
  2. Tony

    Do you like to buy toys online?

    I would say that it's been all good experience for me when it comes to buying Funko Pop toys online. I have never had any bad experience like most people used to say they do.
  3. Tony

    Looking forward to watching Black Panther

    This movie broke the Box Office within few days it was released. I had so much fun watching it and Chad played his role as Black Panther so well. May his soul rest in peace.. Amen.
  4. Tony

    How does Mozart's music appeal to you?

    Unfortunately, Mozart's music isn't something I'm familiar with. If it's playing or even being danced in my face, I wouldn't know it's what's going on. I've heard a lot about it but never cared to look into it or have any experience with it.
  5. Tony

    Do you like liquid or powered milk?

    I've never used powered milk for my adult consumption. It's only for my kids that they were used for in their food. Once they grew up, we ditched powered milk.
  6. Tony

    Musical Toys

    I would never forget my experience with playing a guitar with a fuzzbox in my childhood. I was so good at it that I can close my eyes and still play it really good. I never knew I would move on from music how I did growing up.
  7. Tony

    What's your favorite beer?

    Unfortunately, I don't drink beer. So, I don't have any favorite when it comes to beer. I had a taste of it once and it was disgusting.
  8. Tony

    Are you picky with your kids's toys?

    There's nothing wrong with getting scantily clad dolls as long as you can put on some made dresses on them. These for for kids and they won't even think towards that angle most adults would think. Unless, it's a toy that's going to be a possible threat in hurting my kid, that's only when I would...
  9. Tony

    What to buy?

    You should also look at your financial capacity before you make your final decision on which way to go with your collection. But as for me, I would choose to get limited convention ones because they are going to rare but more expensive than the usual.
  10. Tony

    Ebay pre order advice/help

    PayPal's buyer's protection is something that makes their services very good. It's going to be very difficult for you to lose your money because you will always use charge back.
  11. Tony

    Making Your Own Toys

    In as much as I know that it's going to be fun making my own Funko toys, I still don't wanna do it. In fact, I will never try doing it because it's more satisfying buying them than making them. I will lose the joy on them when I can easily make whatever I desire.
  12. Tony

    Is anyone into cuddly toys?

    This is something very common with ladies or females. They are the one's interested in big toys they will be cuddling with in bed. Some of them smooch on those big teddy. It's one something that I'm interested in using.
  13. Tony

    Kids and Toys - Being Safe

    This is part of the reason why I make sure all the toys I have ever purchased for my siblings are soft. They are the safest toys that kids can make use of. I hate when they make hard toys.
  14. Tony

    What is your worst jealousy experience?

    This is very painful for me too and I find it very difficult to overlook. There's no point in lying to me because you're talking to other guys. If I'm not enough for you, come out open and say it or better still be very honest with me out of respect.
  15. Tony

    Hikari, Transformers & nostalgia

    I was never fortunate to own this Hikari, Transformers merchandise Funko toys. I have always loved all Transormers movies. There's a new one that's supposed to come out this year or next year, I'm not sure when. The toy looks so good.
  16. Tony

    Toys... the benefit of playing.

    Personally, I played with a lot of Funko Pops toys when I was still a kid. My parents knew that I loved them so much and it was why they had a lot of Pop packs purchased for me. I had a full set of Marvel Funko Pops.
  17. Tony

    Do you still use flash drive?

    Yes of course, I still make use of flash drive. It's a lot more portable and convenient to use especially when you're working being mobile.
  18. Tony

    Do you know how to swim?

    Swimming isn't too difficult. I started swimming with my peer group when I was still 12 years old. It's how I mastered how to swim very well.
  19. Tony

    Best Marvel movie you watched?

    Marvel is one of the biggest movies company in the world. Which one of their movies would be your best they have every produced? It would be Avengers for me and also Iron Man.
  20. Tony

    Best selling between Xbox Series and PS5?

    Even with the scarcity of Playstation 5, it's selling more than Xbox Series X. All the sales Xbox Series X is getting now is just to catch up with PS5 sales.
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