They can't be real if you call them prototypes , I wouldn't recommend you purchase a Funko Pop with those numbers that Normal come under the door of an authentic Funko Pop.
I feel same way too though I have given out some of my Funko pops to my nephew who loves them as well but asides that I keep my Funko pops and don't like to sell them.
Same here I really can't go out if I don't smell quite nice , some people don't really care about this and would go out all sweaty without thinking about the kind of odour that might be oozing out of their bodies.
I did a lot of carvings as a kid , I could carve miniature characters of my favorite Superheroes like Batman and also carve out a gun like structure which I use to hunt down vilians in my head.
I really don't know why nephews and nieces Don't like playing with toys but when I got them the Nintendo switch it became their favorite thing and they would play games on it for a long time.
I have been playing sekiro Shadows die twice for a few weeks now though I wasn't such a big fan of soul games but playing sekiro has changed my perspective and I am even considering getting any of the dark souls game.