Yeah, there is a video game featuring Funko Pop characters called Funko Fusion. It's developed by 10:10 Games and it's a 3rd person action-adventure game.
Before gifting anyone funko pop action figures, it's necessary to make sure that you find out the person is into funko pop toys. Some people see it as kids stuffs. Such a person will not appreciate the toy.
I don't have any interest in doing keto diet now because I don't even have enough weight to want even 1kg to go missing. Maybe when I add unnecessary weight, I will consider doing keto.
No, I don't have any of the Rick and Morty action figures. I'm not a fan which was why I never bothered with buying even one of them. But my brother love them so much. He owns about 3 of their action figures.
Yes, I love Harry Potter action figures because they are very popular. Who doesn't know about Harry Potter? I had about 7 of Potter's main figures when I was 10 years old.
Good day my friend. I'm using this opportunity to say hello to everyone. My name is Maddox. I will never forget all my childhood memories with funko pop. I still have some of my toys from my childhood days.